Our vaginal microbiomes have their own unique microbial environment made up of bacteria, fungi and other micro organisms. This micro biome is predominantly made up of a genus of bacteria called Lactobacillus. These bacteria produce lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide which work to keep the environment acidic and in turn keeps away nasty bacteria and pathogens that can overgrow in the wrong conditions.
Why is vaginal health important?
Your vaginal microbiome has wider implications on your overall wellbeing than you may think. Here are some reasons why optimising your vaginal health is important to do:
Protection against infections - A healthy vaginal microbiome helps prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria and fungi that can lead to infections such as BV, UTIs, thrush and even STIs.
Sexual health - Imbalances in the vaginal microbiome can lead to symptoms of burning, itching and discomfort during sexual intercourse. A health microbiome contributes to optimal vaginal lubrication and elasticity enhancing sexual well-being. A health vaginal micro biome can also protect against HPV and recurrent herpes outbreaks.
Pregnancy outcomes -The vaginal microbiome may have implications for pregnancy outcomes. Studies suggest certain pathogenic bacteria and a decrease in beneficial bacteria can be associated with an increased risk of preterm birth and other complications.
Overall wellbeing – Emerging research is showing us that the vaginal microbiome interacts with the gut microbiome, reproductive tract and even influences the immune system.
So we know now why your vaginal health matters but how do you keep your vagina healthy?
Top tips to maintain vaginal health!
Don’t use vaginal douches, washes or soaps
Your vagina is self-cleaning and has a natural smell. Warm water on the outer and inner labia is all that is needed to keep your microbes happy. Soaps and washes can disrupt your vaginal pH and Lactobacillus levels making you more susceptible to vaginal infections. The only washes you should be doing are if they are prescribed by your naturopath or other health practitioner.
Stop wearing active wear all day
We are all guilty of this but if you are going though vaginal health concerns wearing active wear for prolonged periods can be causing more harm. Most active wear is made from synthetic materials and mixed with sweat creates a damp, humid and non breathable environment. Change within 1-2 hours after exercise.
Avoid synthetic fibre underwear
Switching from cheap synthetic material underwear to bamboo underwear can make a big difference for overall vaginal health. I recommend Boody and Vee.
Consider what else could be introducing microbes
Sex toys? Period cups? Sterilise them often in boiling water between uses. Sperm also affects the vaginal microbiome and alters the vaginal pH, if appropriate employ barrier methods. Encourage your sexual partner/s to get screened for STIs, if this isn't option, employ a suitable a barrier method such as condoms- I recommend Jonny or Frenchie brand as these are vaginal microbiome friendly.
Regulate blood sugar levels
Blood sugar fluctuations can alter your immunity and cause vaginal bacteria or fungi to overgrow especially in cases of thrush. Keep on top of your blood sugar by eating a savoury breakfast, prioritising protein in every meal and introducing apple cider vinegar before meals.
Using lubricants
Use one that is pH appropriate for your vagina (3.8 to 4.5), with limited ingredients in. Water-based is often best if you are using barrier methods. I recommend YES brand.
Feed healthy bacteria
Lactobacilli bacteria in the vagina keep the pH acidic and prevent other microbes overgrowing. Keep your gut healthy and in turn your vaginal health will benefit. A diet rich in prebiotics, fermented foods, healthy fats, antioxidants and low in refined sugar, gluten and dairy are ways to support both your gut and vaginal microbiomes. Quitting smoking or vaping also supports healthy lactobacilli levels.
If you feel like you have tried all of the tips above and you are still noticing burning, itching, discharge or smell changes it might be time to investigate your vaginal health further. Working with a naturopath such as myself can help you to uncover the root cause of your vaginal concerns and eradicate them once and for all. You shouldn’t have to put up with chronic vaginal infections and discomfort.